Von Fake News, dem iPhone und Huawei Telefonen

Interessante Konversationen spielen sich zwischen den USA und China ab. Vor allem die Antwort vom Chinesischen Aussenministerium hat es in sich.

Und so berichtete Reuters:

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying also dismissed the Times story, calling such reports “evidence that the New York Times makes fake news.”

Speaking at a news conference on Thursday, she also offered two suggestions apparently aimed at the Trump administration.

“If they are really very worried about Apple phones being bugged, then they can change to using Huawei,” she said, referring to China’s biggest telecommunications equipment maker.

Nur: Spielt das Telefon überhaupt eine Rolle? John Gruber hat eine eigene Meinung dazu:

A nice burn, but if Russia and China really are listening to Trump’s unsecure cell phone calls, they’re almost certainly doing it by tapping the cellular signal or phone network, not by hacking the iPhones he uses. I don’t think the Times story made this clear, but it should have.


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